Close up photo of traditional Alaska Native beadwork.

State Capital Grant Brings Exhibit Completion Within Reach

Summer DioramaIn early June 2010, Gov. Sean Parnell signed into law the state capital budget which included a $500,000 grant to help complete our exhibits. Completion of the exhibits is now within reach!

“We are so close,” said Project Director Cindy Schumaker. “This new state grant takes us within $390,000 of our final goal…and gives us the momentum we need to raise the remainder through private sources.”

Much thanks goes to the Interior Delegation that worked together to include the grant in the capital budget during the legislative session.

Partially completed exhibits opened in September 2009, and are receiving rave reviews and extraordinary visitor comments. Work continues. The most recent addition was the installation of a winter sunset and northern lights show as part of the winter diorama. The next addition will be museum quality text panels.

The largest remaining piece is the planned “Gateway” exhibit which is meant to be the finale to the exhibits. This space in the middle of the lobby now sits empty and our story is incomplete. The exhibits that are completed educate and inspire interest in how we live in Interior Alaska…boating, hunting, fishing, snowmachining, skiing, dogmushing, etc.  In the uncompleted Gateway, we will transition that message to encourage our visitors to get out the door and experience the life we live. These visitors will then exit the exhibits where they are met by visitor services specialists poised to help them plan their next adventure.